Your media is powering the AI revolution

Sureel AI is: Control, Protection & Monetization

Solutions for Creators, Media Rights Owners & AI Companies

Show AI companies what they can and cannot train on in a language they understand.


Set granular rules for how much or little your media may be used, altered and what it may be combined with.


Dynamically license your media based on how much it affects the AI platform outputs.

Your media is what an AI company calls its "training data".

They did NOT ASK for your PERMISSION to use it!

"Attribution" is how SUREEL AI allows media owners to powerfully control their rights.


Share only your approved media with AI companies in a way that offers you, control, protection and monetization.


Safely show AI companies what NOT to use as training data. They cannot exclude what they cannot see.

Attribution Likelihood

Scan current AI platforms to see where your works are currently being used.

Realtime Attribution Reporting

Monitor AI creations that use your media as they happen.

Output Attribution

Monitor what your media helped to create and control how much it can be altered when used.

Attribution Share

Monitor how much your media influenced the overall output of the AI companies platform

Solutions for Creators, Media Rights Owners & AI Companies

Protect Your Content

Do you own media assets that need protecting?

AI Using Your Media?

Find out if your media has been used to train AI.

Access Opted-in Data

Get access to high quality opted-in training data.

Meet the Team

Tamay Aykut

PhD | Founder, CEO

Benji Rogers


Aileen Crowley


Christopher Kuhn

PhD | Head of AI

Christoph Burgmair

Head of Engineering

Paul Pauls

AI & DevOps Engineer

Lindsay Kokoska

Content Strategist

Belen Ramos

Social Media & Design

Greg Kovacic


Berk Sahin

AI Engineer

Diego Ponce De Leon Vera

AI Engineer

Nino Ray Albutra

Frontend Engineer


Tom Gruber

PhD | Advisor

Bernd Girod

PhD | Advisor

Michael Pelczynski


Stephen Godfrey


Nirav R. Shah

MD, MPH | Advisor

Backed by the following startup programs

NVIDIA Inception

AWS startups

AI startup program

Creative Destruction Lab

Innovative Technology, Assured Legality